Original Fit: All our trainings that emphasize our foundation and distinguish us as DeFacto
Oryantasyon Programı: We tell our employees, who have started to work in DeFacto, how it is to feel like a DeFacto employee, what principles help us make who we are, why we are different from other organizations, the values of DeFacto employees, the vision and mission of our company, the story behind our founding and our fields of activity;
in short we tell everything such as what DeFacto achieves during the process starting from the cotton fields until reaching the customers.
In this program, during which the way of existence of our company is explained, we simulate the existence of DeFacto and the identity of being a DeFacto employee.
Compulsory Trainings: In this program, during which the way of existence of our company is explained, we simulate the existence of DeFacto and the identity of being a DeFacto employee.
Personal Leadership Trainings: Based on the belief that all DeFacto employees are the leaders of their own business, we expect all our employees to take the initiative and assume responsibility, to be result oriented, whether they lead or don’t lead a team, and in short we expect them to be an example. As DeFacto Business Academy, we prepare and offer training and development programs that will support and encourage our employees to exhibit Personal Leadership.